Saturday, August 30, 2008

Made it past the doubt

Didn't think I could make the drive alone, actually sharing my parents' concern, but I faked it well, didn't I? It proves that I can be truly independent without knowing MCMAPP!

I can't upload pictures, so I thought I'd give the quick rundown on the trip across the country of which I wasn't able to meet up with anyone en route as a result of bad timing and bad route placement.

I thought my initial 4 hours were going to be the toughest to get through without falling asleep. To my luck, some dude was changing the traffic lights on Blue Angel and Lillian which held up 7am traffic. Also, Mobile was under numerous flash flood warnings and driving slow through lots of water was a good way to keep me awake. Naturally, it took an hour and a half to get out of the city.

Getting to Mesquite wasn't that bad. It actually went shorter than I had anticipated.

I left Mesquite that morning and making it through the beltway was the longest. Even longer was the drive up northern TX, New Mexico, and Colorado. I took the non-major highway route, which stopped me every 45 min it seemed. It really gets annoying to go from 70mph down to 30mph everytime you pass thru a podunk Texan town.

In NM, I drove next to the fiercest lightning I have ever seen, accompanied by Black Death playing games in the clouds. I stayed talking on the cell phone to get my mind off of the death show in front of me.

Entering Colorado was beautiful... thinner air for my weaker car and weaker lungs, but breathtaking scenery.

Sightseeing day. Went to the Air Force Academy and saw the beautiful chapel, truly an architectural masterpiece. Everything from the stained glass to the organ to the meanings behind every single detail was magnificent. Luckily, the cadets were having their weekly Wednesday formation/parade. I remember how much it sucked to do that for pass and reviews, but these guys do it weekly?? Oh well, it was a great chance to listen to the old band marches, hum along, and reminisce the counterturn.

Garden of the Gods was next, as I opted for the bus tour this time. Didn't feel like walking around in the sun, but the rocks were very impressive. Got some souvenirs too. Love shopping!

Finally went to the Us Olympic Training Complex located in the heart of the city. I spent half the time in the gift shop wondering what to get from the Beijing 08 games. Most of the athletes were visiting home so it wasn't very full, but we did get a special tour inside the huge shooting range.

Chipotle. Enough said. Wish I could have stayed to go to Invesco Field for the Obama acceptance speech though, but alas I was on the road while the musical numbers were still opening.

Not much to say about Idaho except that I was driving alongside the Oregon Trail (I didn't get dysentery though!) and that it smelled like manure. The Aggie portion of VT if you will. Also lots of modern windmills. I'm used to seeing the pinwheel ones from Holland so these were kind of, sophisticated.

I was not impressed by Oregon and didn't even realize I was going to have to go through the state until I passed the state line. That was surprising. The evergreens in Washington were such a refreshing sight to see after so many dust storms and plains in the previous legs.

First time I hit traffic was entering Seattle. As I got closer and closer to the west coast, the clouds were more frequent and the temperature got colder. Eventually found my hotel and caught up with Lauren!

She exposed me to the Asian culture embedded in the city and its different neighborhoods. I was pleased. We went to Fremont for the night, which sounded like a gang country, but it was actually pretty cool. More Thai food for her roommates, a bar where I paid way too much money for Magic Mike's tricks, and a cake shop open til late. I'm glad that her roommates and friends are just as crazy as they should be, so that made my inner crazy-loud come out after a week of talking only to my intuitive cat.

It has certainly been a while since I've been in an elevator.

VT vs ECU.. its a close game.
Downtown and musicfest and Washingtonians!