Sunday, May 10, 2015

Music is a conversation.

I had one of those days.  The kind where you get to know a person just by song.

Today is Mother's Day.  I attended church, and the little old lady next to me sang every song out of the book with me.  I could tell she had musical talent, because she could sight-read the notes and sing them just like me.  We both had shaky voices, trying to follow the cantor who would speed up and slow down the words, but when we would try to sing along, we'd hear each other smile through the lyrics.  It was a crazy connection, we never spoke a word, but I just love how everybody who sang around me just gave their all into it.

Friday evening was the same.  I met a girl who has been singing and writing songs for a long time.  One of the few songs I know of the rock and roll genre was Grace Potter's "Timekeeper." I sang the lower harmony and she sang the harmony and once we felt it was sounding good, we sang to the top of our slightly-alcoholic lungs.  The kind of moment I wish I had more often - someone that could complement my musical longings.

Sometimes, I secretly wish that life was like the musical.  I think that would make everyone so much more joyous.