Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Year Resolutions?

New Year's Resolutions.... good or bad idea?

If I don't achieve these, I'll feel like a failure, but it isn't the first time ;)

I resolve to 20 miles a month (240 mi by the end of the year) more books, which means... faster
...not eat cookies for a year
...write new songs
...cook a new dish at least biweekly
...take care of new pets
...find love (and that could be anyone or anything)

But it's so easy to just say these things and then once you break one, you take it off the list. I'm going to try not to work that way...
a) I've got the workout log, that'll keep me in check
b) I have a membership at Barnes and Noble and plenty of books to read
c) Reading is reading
d) I have a baking book, but I can start baking for boys now :)
e) I need an inspiration... wings?
f) Haven't decided whether or not to get that delicious. cookbook, or it'll be the recipe from the baking ook
g) = cats
h) Well, some things you can't guarantee.. ;)

Thursday, December 06, 2007

6 months later...

After I-grad, it was a girls heavy weekend. Unusual for the rare female officers like myself, but it was needed... and ended up being a great time. The Saturday after the winging we all watched the movie Enchanted (which I still don't know what to think of that movie... it was so Disney, but it had McDreamy... and I was just all confused. I laughed, so that's what matters in the end I guess)

Following the movies, we went shopping all over the mall and I got sucked into using my Bed Bath & Beyond 20% coupon. It turned into an inspiration, and before long, I was purchasing my new bedroom look (completed it with the desk set I got at the flea market Sunday). Dressed up, went to Bonefish Grill, then out to a martini bar called 600 South in downtown Pensacola. Caught the Improv show at the Silver Screen after all of that. Quite tiresome for me actually.

At Bonefish Grill

Girl shot after the I-grad (VT-4 and VT-10)

The female graduating class of 0725

Started my first week of Advanced Nav Training here in Pensacola still... checked in to VT-86 Sabrehawks and there's already an overwhelming amount of work to be done. The command is working hard to push the Navy folks through in the "crunch" and hold all the AirForce kids so that they can follow the transition of the T-2 to the T-45. To be honest, I'm kind of glad I'm not going to be in that platform after hearing the mishaps that happened this fall which resulted in ejection from the aircraft. I've heard engine malfunctions or birdstrikes but haven't confirmed the causes.

2 Squadron Holiday parties this weekend.. I'm socially booked!
And finally, it feels good to "catch up" with everyone who left VT-4... now we'll be stuck with work and seeing each other workING for the next 6-8 months until we get the heck outta Florida.