Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Beer bottle

Sometimes I don't remember the things I write about.
But I was reading some old stuff, and I once compared myself to a beer bottle.

"...Tough exterior, with an emotional interior of a woman to boot.
When shaken, the pressure is too much and then I just want to explode."

Well, I feel more like a water bottle.
My shell is wearing thin and I feel more vulnerable.
I think that is a mistake in the business I'm in.

And... I don't know why but I feel so down in the dumps. I need someone to make me laugh so hard I start hyperventilating. Maybe its just as simple as having a jam session. I dunno.

Aside from sounding so emo, it's April and springtime: almost time to be done with this biznatch.

Happy 1 year anniversary to the start of Flight School Class 0724!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I like that you kind of understand yourself. But remember this; we will always seek change, that's our nature as military brats. But the same situation for a long period of time isn't bad, you just need to find an outlet. As for me it's blogging, as you have been doing.
    Vanessa, you have always been determined and strong, so I believe you are just lonely for someone who understands your past...a friend. Please call on me if you want to talk.
    I feel the same sometimes. I have spent 3 years in texas and in lubbock and I am ready for change. But reality is, I will only change my location once I finish school and do well in my business. Hit me up, my blog, though new is: adammana143.wordpress.com
    Good luck in the service, I didn't know you went in. But goodluck and hit me up.
