Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Daily

Is it any wonder that I life in a beantown (that's coffee bean, folks) and am surrounded by coffeehouses on every block I walk... and I order anything but. It is funny what destiny has in store for each of us, or rather, God. Just a little over 2 years ago, I could not have seen it in my future that I would be here 3000 miles away from my family working a job I view as a half-career...

But in keeping retrospect, the job has begun. I have finished my first week in the VAQ and with every new day, I feel more and more anxious. When an instructor mentions failure, my stomach gets all in a tizzy and I think back to those awful days of VT-86. (The whole experience wasn't awful, just those certain bad days.) I am really going to have to pull it together if I want to be able to enjoy other things!

Random thought: Two years ago on a Cross-Country Flight to Austin, we were getting bad hydraulic indications in the plane and we were stuck there for an extra night. However we were on a tight schedule to get the IP back to the squadron to do more flights, so he called up maintenance on his cell phone. There we were, with all of our gear sitting next to the T-6 Texan II, hatches open, while maintainers on the phone were talking us through troubleshooting. Only in the Navy. Well, we couldn't figure out what the disconnect was, so I drove back to San Antonio. Waited for a big T-39 to drop off maintainers to bring the plane back while we joyrided back on the Sabreliner. Needless to say, I didn't get all my cross-country X's.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Is it any surprise that in the new year that I'd want to become a more educated, cultured, wiser, better me?

Yet again, January marks the fabulous occasion of my birth. With that, I am looking for ways to prepare myself for the oncoming set of troubles and studies that always try to bring me down in the winter season. Taxes, flight "grad" school, holidays over and no family... you get it. Usually during this time, I'm reverting back to high school/college to hobby it up.

Here are some things I have decided to pursue/try while I still have a fighting chance:
1. P90X. Now, I am not what you normally call an obese chick. Most people consider me skinny. Well of course you're skinny when you have no curves and you waist is practically the same size as your hips! I'm currently in a bidding battle with some people on eBay for the DVDs, hoping I don't lose AGAIN. Now if you really know me, you'd know that I love I have at least 3 different workout programs with them, none of which get me feeling sore (yes, soreness is the feeling I want my body to achieve). I could easily get the sore feeling trying snowboarding again (let's not go there), but I'll try something in-house. The two things I am worried about is not being able to do the hour each day--its hard being single and wanting to leave the house/area all the time doesn't help. Also, I have a male roommate who sometimes makes dinner that wouldn't fall into the category of "healthy", which is a big temptation. I've got to make sure I don't fall into those traps. But if you've ever seen the infomercials (I have seen them for almost two years), you'd be inspired to try it. I've already done two weeks before... then I stopped doing it. I don't remember why.

2. Bookworming. Since the current outbreak of these books:

I've been reading more and more. Or at least WANTING to read more and more. I've got a discount at B&N, which makes it super easy to purchase things once I'm in the store. More books on queue: The Host by Stephenie Meyer and Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I have a current magazine subscription to Real Simple on top of all that... and let us not forget about my current studies on aircraft systems and emergency procedures! This is just going to be like me attempting to read a leisure book "on the side" during college. Damn near impossible. But it truly is a better way to not spend money out at clubs and dining out... it nearly makes me unsociable...

3. Choreographing. Ever since the Winter Workshop my dancer friend asked me to be on, I've wanted to get back into that. I've been wanting to purchase a mirror or two to put in the garage and just choreograph. There aren't enough hours in a day to complete all of these things! (And I'm just on bullet 3, too.)

4. Making scrapbooks. I've left Virginia Tech over two years ago, and I feel like Facebook albums aren't going to hold out for more than ten. I feel the need to document them, with my own artistic addition, while I've still got a creative hand. First subject: the VTCC.

5. Learn Tagalog. Christmas vacation was a constant reminder of how I need to step it up and learn how to speak the language of the motherland. While I realize it extremely difficult for my relatives to speak to me in Tagalog as I reply in English, I can't see any other way for me to learn. That was, until I bought a workbook in addition to Rosetta Stone. It's going to be great. Di ba?

Those are the Top 5 of the year. It is the Year of the Other, like I had told my mom (yes, I felt that the year should have a theme, my own mantra if you will) and that will help me in my goals of contributing to the family since I can't physically be there to help. I feel like I've had a decent start, paying off random CC bills to get out of debt, then back in. Willpower is essentially what I'm praying for. If you help me pray, the chance is twice as strong, and I might just make it through this year.