Monday, June 22, 2009

Dusty Diamonds, then Lavish Lotions

I would just like to share the day I had today.

I had the opportunity to drive my mother to the airport this morning to see her off to Washington, D.C. and then drive onto Interstate Highway 5 where I would eventually end up in Oak Harbor for a long day of classes and studying.

Immediately merging onto the interstate, I was able to escape a near vehicle merge, saving myself from a horrible accident. But life got a little better when I arrived at home a whole hour before work started, so I was given a chance to eat breakfast at home. Also, I was given a chance to hear my cat crying out for me from inside a closed bedroom.

With no opportunity to get to his kitty litterbox, he laid a nice fresh one in the center of my bed spread. Thank goodness it was easy to clean up.

Off to work, I'm falling asleep in the classroom before we start. One of my classmates has an extra Starbucks Soy Mocha latte (intended for a girl he liked) and he offers it to my sleepy self. Saved with sugar and caffeine.

After being really military like, I save myself for the second role of the day, the softball game. Time to get into gear and throw like a girl, catch like a boy, and run like a lunatic. We ended up tying the game at the last inning, going into sudden death (extra inning) and losing by one. Way to be one of the boys, I was the only girl out there. Totally used to it. Oh and by the way, we have gotta have the coolest games ever... How often do you get military jets flying overhead in formation every ten minutes while you're playing a little ball? It's really quite awesome how commonplace it is, plus it looks cool playing baseball with planes taking off in the background.

I get home for dinner, and its finally time to relax. One thing I love is that I can totally feel at ease with males and then be able to come home and become a girl. After a luxurious spa day with my mother, I have inherited more yummy and sweet smelling products and go absolutely crazy. Now I smell great and I'm about to head into bed and start the day all over again, exactly how this one went.

I love that I can still be a girl, but play in a man's world.

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