Tuesday, December 29, 2009

And So the Legend Was Born

I just [re]learned the history of how I came to be.

For tonight's entertainment, we picked up "filipino" food at the DFAC, brought it back to the Ready Room, and watched Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Found this to be interesting.

Obviously, I find much more humor than this guy did.  I can laugh about it, I can laugh at myself, which makes it not painful at all.

I have embraced the call sign, therefore, I am afraid it will be taken away soon.  Shorty was growing. 

Let's see how long this thing can last before I do something outrageously stupid to earn another one.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Live Simple.

To be deployed is to learn to live 'simple'.  Real Simple, like the magazine that I had subscribed to for a year, except this kind of living is only the simple kind and can't be complicated any more by infomercials, telemarketers, and other influential outliers.  No distractions disguised as flashing lights and expensive things.

While the personal letters have been coming in slowly, I have been so honored as to receive a couple of forwarded loan payment letters and bills for the house I'm not currently sleeping in.  To get bills and payment letters for a lifestyle you aren't even living is like getting a free book in a foreign language... you just don't care.  If the electricity in my room goes out without notice, you know the power outage is only because they need to run maintenance in order to keep it going for the few residents we are living south of the runways.  I walk to work rather than driving 10-15 minutes like I did on the Rock (Whidbey Island).  I pass the gym, chapel, mini mart, and the laundry drop-off/pick-up facility on the way to headquarters.  Yes, you're right, I said it's a drop-off/pick-up facility.  So to emphasize how simple life has been made to focus our undying attention on the war itself, our laundry is done for us.  Our food is made for us.  Sure, cooking and doing laundry may be a perishable skill, but we can't stop flying either--another perishable skill... I digress.

I have no television in my room, I catch glimpses of football scores and indie music videos on the screens of the DFAC (dining facility) while I enjoy a hot meal and dessert on the side.  I study during the day and read a little of my "smart" books in my room before turning in to an episode of How I Met Your Mother or my newly acquired DVD set of Entourage, Seasons 1-4.  The difference between here and home is the amount of things 'to do' on the list of lists.

To close off the blog, the OPSO and MO here just received in the mail 2 packages containing a blender, chickpeas, tahini, and various ingredients to make hummus.  How awesome is that? They plugged it in and just started mixing and blending away.  And with that... they had hummus.

Until next time.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Basic gifts

An elephant from Thailand that a retired Seabee gave me because he could.
An Iraq box which will soon become my smoking box.
A package of M&Ms which will become my Christmas sweet.

(and yes I am aware that the picture is backwards, it was a photobooth-ism, just hold a mirror to the screen and you can read it correctly)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Fighting to stay awake...

I have been wanting to blog about how this whole journey has been so far, but I could never find enough time in my room to sit down and do it.  But now I can because of two reasons: a) I am not flying or have duty tomorrow; and b) I am no longer sharing a room with someone.  But I don't want to write something long and runny, so I'll try to keep it faster, funnier.

So far, this experience has been different than any other that I've had.  I am continuing to learn things about myself: how I perceive in the midst of others and how others perceive me as a newcomer into an already established community of people.  I tell you, it is very encouraging to hear people say that they like you, with the words mostly coming from the seasoned chiefs and warrant officers.  Oftentimes, though, I question the validity behind their kind words, because I feel like I recognize them as the common encouraging and motivating statements used to butter up your peers to make them feel good about themselves--not necessarily because its true, but to improve morale and production within the workplace.  I never thought it would unnerve me, but like I said, it's different.

We're deployed.  Everyone is away from family and friends, which will be prominent in the next few months when we start going through more holidays in the calendar.  I still can't even believe I bought a house like I did and after living in it for 2 weeks I'm out the door to fight a war in the middle east.  The friends that I had had also made the journey with me all the way up to graduation.  Many of us started in API at Pensacola before we had even met up on the island.  This is the first real duty station where I had to adjust to a completely new set of characters and talents in a setting unfamiliar to these characters.  It's also different this time--I'm used to introducing myself with my personality.  Now, its the FNG who knows absolutely nothing and has to learn it all on the fly.

I can't believe I'm ranting.  Where are the good parts?? Don't worry, I'm just calling out pros and cons... but I'm falling asleep.  Til next post to follow up...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Retail Therapy kicked in... desert style

-Rugs to warm up the metal can
-Kettle for warm water when it gets cold
-Movies: Law Abiding Citizen, Men Who Stare at Goats, Year One, Ninja Assassin, The Blind Side, Inglourious Basterds
-New CDs: Shakira's She Wolf, The Beatles' Revolver, Rihanna's Rated R, John Mayer's Battle Studies, Timbaland's Shock Value II
-And a Christmas Present I won't open until the 25th... Homedics Foot Spa! For tired feet!

When I have more time and it isn't almost 5am, I will start to blog what you all have been wondering... life here in the desert. But for now, I must get some rest for it will be a long night once my eyes open later this evening...

2 Short Logs from the air base in the desert

Wednesday 25 Nov 2009 (+3)
Today is the first day in Iraq. With six days of “pre-deployment” across the Atlantic spent in D.C., Lajes Field, and Sigonella, the day has finally arrived. Coming in as -2 of a section approach passing through 4000 feet overcast, this base has so far impressed me. Airborne, it is huge. The north side of the runway is filled with buildings that I will have to time to explore. Supposedly there’s a Subway, Pizza hug, Coffee shop and all – but the Dining Facilities (DFAC) are free! Guess it depends on if I get sick of hot meals…
These “cans” we stay in are like mini college dorms. Bunk beds and a closet to each person… not bad. Except I left my keys to the trunk padlocks at HOME – stupid move. I actually had to break into my own trunk locker. Then I had to tackle the gun holster assembly, too. Reading od directions are pretty difficult. It was nice when we got in today (a grueling 5+45 flight), we ate cake from a re-enlistment, went to the DFAC, and enjoyed “Roll’em”, the squadron’s way of having movie night. Star Trek. Good movie. Just learned I’m on the night shift, so I’m going to wake up at 9:30am and workout, hit up chow, then study/look busy. My roommate is the incomparable Intel officer, Amy Hough. She is known for working 20 hour days by her own choosing and merit. Academy grad, she’s a force to be reckoned with—its kind of intimidating because she’s the same rank, yet she actually is a professional at what she does… at least I think so. Anyways, its 1:29AM and I’m still working on Italy time zone. Must work on the routine. My guitar and new keyboard and here and will be opened shortly. ☺

Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday 26 Nov 2009
Woke up today at 9:30 AM. Snoozed for 30 minutes because I was afraid of waking Amy. Turns out she wasn’t even in there sleeping. With the shades down it feels like nighttime every time the lights go off, which makes it easy to sleep! I felt guilty sleeping in so late, but I’m trying to stay as nocturnal as possible to get ready for flying at night. I’m a little nervous for flying on goggles because I lack so much experience. Guess this is how you get it.
Did more exploring today. Went to the gym at an off-peak hour (10:30am) and got lazy for the good shower. I settled for the closest head which was an icy cold one. I’m going to think about showering before bed now. Tried to go the NEX, forgot my ID. ☹ Take 2 tomorrow. I hear a jet coming in for the break! Whoa… ADD. Anyways, the DFAC served turkey at LUNCH – I the first two meals today, and my Thanksgiving consisted of a burrito and beef fajita! Mexican thanksgiving? Haha. Oh, I feel like a POS JO for the moment – I got told maintenance found my green flashlight lens in a jet. FAIL.