Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Fighting to stay awake...

I have been wanting to blog about how this whole journey has been so far, but I could never find enough time in my room to sit down and do it.  But now I can because of two reasons: a) I am not flying or have duty tomorrow; and b) I am no longer sharing a room with someone.  But I don't want to write something long and runny, so I'll try to keep it faster, funnier.

So far, this experience has been different than any other that I've had.  I am continuing to learn things about myself: how I perceive in the midst of others and how others perceive me as a newcomer into an already established community of people.  I tell you, it is very encouraging to hear people say that they like you, with the words mostly coming from the seasoned chiefs and warrant officers.  Oftentimes, though, I question the validity behind their kind words, because I feel like I recognize them as the common encouraging and motivating statements used to butter up your peers to make them feel good about themselves--not necessarily because its true, but to improve morale and production within the workplace.  I never thought it would unnerve me, but like I said, it's different.

We're deployed.  Everyone is away from family and friends, which will be prominent in the next few months when we start going through more holidays in the calendar.  I still can't even believe I bought a house like I did and after living in it for 2 weeks I'm out the door to fight a war in the middle east.  The friends that I had had also made the journey with me all the way up to graduation.  Many of us started in API at Pensacola before we had even met up on the island.  This is the first real duty station where I had to adjust to a completely new set of characters and talents in a setting unfamiliar to these characters.  It's also different this time--I'm used to introducing myself with my personality.  Now, its the FNG who knows absolutely nothing and has to learn it all on the fly.

I can't believe I'm ranting.  Where are the good parts?? Don't worry, I'm just calling out pros and cons... but I'm falling asleep.  Til next post to follow up...

1 comment:

  1. Give it about another month. If you're working with good people who you like, it'll be fine. I like the people I work with, so it makes the time easier. It makes it easier to catch up and learn the job too.
