Friday, February 26, 2010

Gimme me some sugar... sugar


Soda/dessert/candy aka things with lots of sugar

As if I'm not already giving up a lot by being on deployment... 
but everytime I refuse candy or some pop tart or piece of chocolate, I feel like I'm being punished for a second... and then I think about the number of calories I just escaped!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Meet Me Halfway

Many of us have started to get the Mid-Deployment crazies...

I, too, have been a victim but sometimes its absolutely necessary to go crazy. 

 Spread from a softball mag (showing off my catcher skills... aka crouching):

Monday, February 08, 2010

A Week Without Internet Access

So much to catch up on...

We were battling a server connection with the country of Greece for a while... and in that time:

Mustache Island went from this:
to this

Funny... we still aren't even sure if we're transitioning, going boat, or both...

I've been swimming a lot more and finally finding a nice pace to crawl at......

Playing softball regularly and even made the starting list as catcher! We've been having a good season here in the desert... Wizards bringing the 'rain' to the desert, so far 9-2 (every Sunday).  Here's the other LT, Mark and I with our ballcaps (even though mine is really more of a trucker hat)

Been eating more

Beer x 2 day finally came with the Super Bowl... Number 44 Colts vs Saints
I won the Football pool with a 10-0 score in the first quarter... a nice yellow ribbon and 15 tax free big ones

Nothing tastes better than real beer ( good when it hits your lips...)
and an evening of jalapeno poppers, mozzarella sticks, and buffalo wings

The pose before I get drunk off of one

Interior decorating continues...