Monday, May 24, 2010

Not Going To See Me That Way

72% of the women I used to know when I was growing up...

have become overweight or obese.

I've been given all the facts; I know the problem is huge for Americans, but can we really give in that easily? Can we really afford to lose control like that?

I just finished watching the movie Idiocracy starring Luke Wilson and Maya Rudolph.  The movie had a bit of a time travel theme in it where they fast forwarded 500 years into the future.  Everybody's IQ lowered significantly and slang became more of an official language... they ate from Carl's Jr and Buttfuckers (yes, Buttfuckers) -- the only thing that the filmmakers couldn't see was that the future population was going to be obese as well (apparently they could not find enough big people in L.A. to use as extras or maybe didn't have such an "enormous" problem back in '05).  I think WALL-E did a good job showing that we were heading that direction and if so, why do we still fall towards laziness?

Technology... savior or killer?

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