Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Kamikaze shooters

"That was the whackest auntie/uncle party ever!" - Aaren

He says this because it was his (and mine as well) first time drinking at an auntie/uncle party. Tons of my parents' family friends and people who knew me when I was just a little girl was there. I sprinkled in college friends with a few high school friends... and we had a garage party. The loudest one on the block that night. Thanks Diana for the shooters and everyone else for the ghettofied beer pong table.

...and the food. OHHHH the food. I have pictures from my disposable, but not quite available for show yet.

3 men who have helped me along with life... and funny they all were in the navy in some point in time... and they were telling me how fast we were all growing up... I don't feel it yet. It's weird. Maybe when I start talking marriage and baby then.. yeah, THAT'll freak me out.

As for work, I have already found things to keep me busy while I'm establishing my workout routine on the side... I have earned myself an additional job title, and today is my first funeral flag folding job. Excited? Maybe... just hoping I don't screw up the presentation.

Today is the 3rd day, but I am getting used to this corporate world business.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Webcam alert! Porn here!

Fun with webcam! (Before, noting the lighter haircolor, After, the shorter 'do)

Grad party... wonder how that's gonna be.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The AfterLife

This may sound insane, but I think this is the 5th online journal that I've started since my existence. Kinda gross, right? But hey, I figure I've got to log these new chapters in my life, so I guess I'll just continue on with the ritual.

A fresh graduate and new '06 alumna from the best school in the country, Virginia Tech. I just commissioned into the Navy as a Naval Flight Officer which means I'll be playing backseat driver. But this summer I'll get my chance at learning how to play pilot as well, which I think is pretty sweet. Hopefully I'll get to fly the EA-6Bs (if it's still there for me before I get to choose) but I've got to definitely hit the books hard core before then.

Quick picture (above) with my buds who graduated and commissioned with me: 2LT White, 2LT Biederman, 2LT Keene, 2LT Horsfall, and ENS Rigoroso

I guess I'll just keep track of what the life is like after college... if anything changes. At least I won't be scrounging (is that a word?) around for a job like the other kids are. Hope I can keep up with this blog like I don't with the others... Keep it real - welcome to the afterlife.