Tuesday, July 11, 2006

All hail 7-Eleven today.

Free slurpees! Ok.. well time for an update. I guess I should start with the phone pictures I took at the Salem fair before I went home for the Fourth:

Spent a lovely Saturday evening with Georgiana (her last one in the burg) and her twin, Amanda, and the Boo. Filled with competition, sore throwing arms, dizziness, and eventually empty pockets, it was a great time.

I then drove north to keep the pops company while the ma and lil one went back home for the medical mission. When I get the pictures of them, I'll be sure to post those up so we can see what a great job they all did up there... they made a big difference to the orphans and poor indigenous Iriguenos... I digress. Never had a greater time being lazier with anyone else like I did with dad... it was sweet. And then to top it off with golf and the fireworks at Lunga Park, MCB Quantico... beautiful sight on the lake. I took some with my camera (not the lake, unfortunately)

So... as far as IFS training is going, I finished did my cross-country flight to Chesterfield, VA in a set time of 2 hours, and aced my final. Tomorrow I do my final flight, the night flight, in which I have to navigate in tougher territory sans GPS... in darkness. And if I'm lucky (OH if I'm lucky..) then mother nature grants me those scattered showers like the weather guy is telling us. Oh happy day. Then more ground schooling to get me on the simulator as long as I can drag it out so I don't have to start cleaning the uniform again. Haha.. no I'm not reeeeeallly like that...

8 more weeks of Blacksburg, and then its bye bye Home of the Fighting Gobblers.

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