Friday, March 30, 2007


So I thought I'd start keeping a little journal of these grand glory days in API. I don't want to call API flight school yet because of the "Pre-flight Indoctrination" part of the acronym. It's just ground school to me. So here's to graduating "ground school".

DAY 0:
I anticipated the inspection to be a lot rougher than it was, but my roommate told me that they just did a quick look up and down, a right step and moved on to the next. But you know, you can never be too sure which inspector you'll end with that morning. I actually forgot what time they told us to meet at the F-18 by the NASC building, Erin told me wrong, so I showed up 10 til 7, so I showed up right after the Marines who were already there, smoking and joking.

Our class leader was a LTJG who admitted right after the bat that he forgot the commands used for an inspection. Now, I know there must have been a reason why we practiced Open Ranks so much during Pro Lab. The Marines helped him out with the easy close order drill and once one of the marines did all of the commands to "demonstrate", our class leader decided to leave us there to save him the trouble. Go figure.

Now you'd think that on the first day you'd want to make an awesome impression with your uniform. The one time I needed my uniform to look good, I was worrying about the iron stain I got on it yesterday from ironing it. Figures I'm down to my last pair of khakis (the others died after I washed them both with an ink pen in the pocket) but lucky for me, the inspectors (2 LTs) saw my awesome shoes and apparently, that's all they saw. A quick "good shoes" and then I was home free.

Next we went and had our physiology brief (8 hours of sleep, don't drink too much alcohol before a test, no self-medication, and apparently no dietary supplements and teas with ginseng--I've got stuff to throw out now), TRICARE enrollment, "good on you for picking aviation, its not going to be easy", and at the gym, a little Water Survival speech from PO Trombley. It was weird because I had worked there since September and Trombley made a comment when he was scanning the room ("Awww, they let you go?") calling me out and leaving lots of the students with confused looks on their faces. Well, we'll see how he does, we're his first class. The guinea pigs.

Monday will be our PRT (this one counts) then our first aerodynamics classes. I can't wait. Bring it on, I'm tired of not having to plan my day out! Until then, I've got this one weekend to relax, so I'm headed to florabama and possibly the beach tomorrow... til Monday, y'all.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Update on my so-called life

First of all I want to congratulate FASA on a job well done (I'm glad I can still feel a part of the whole experience via Internet)... tears came to my eyes after watching the slideshow.

Next, I want to apologize for my behavior this past weekend. Drunk people do drunk things, like leave their purse unattended and then walk off begging for it to get stolen. Lucky for me, my keys and lip gloss were returned... getting the IDs back took a bit of exercise (I was car-less, so I had to bike to the DMV, that was fun) but anyways, I'm all good again. New phone, old style, so I'm back to the sadness of MIDI ringtones. :(

To keep me from being depressed, my friends decided to head to the beach this weekend. I have to admit that this was only the 2nd beach trip I have made while I was down here. I'm thinking, why bother when I have a pool in my own apartment complex?

I love jump pictures!

Another piece of exciting news... after 7 months of waiting, I am finally going to start flight school! API Day Zero starts Friday and I am psyched. (There was actually somebody trying to get me to switch to start a week later, I was like "hell no!")

Today's my last day at the API pool, instead of being stashed there, I'm going to start dreading it I bet, once I start doin the evolutions as a STUDENT rather than watching it as an "instructor's aide" ....

I was trying to figure out lyrics to a song that I have, does anyone write songs out there? Where's Drew Barrymore when you need her?!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Beware the Ides of March

Although that has a Roman theme, I am going to talk Pinoy today. But I will drink some green good stuff this Friday.

About this time, I'd be somewhere in Burruss Hall with a group of other students, practicing and practicing over and over our dance routines. On the stage would be the dancers, in the pit and audience would be the actors, rehearsing. Stage production and "others" would be scattered around within the building, finishing up last minute projects and tweaking all the lights for the show. Aaren would have introduced one more 8-count to the end of the modern dance and we'd be learning it, at the same time thinking about that exam we'd be taking the next morning. Rex would be making the last additions to the slideshow. The fashion crew would be sewing our costumes in the back, right next to that hole where the water pipes blew 2 years ago and luckily missed all of our cultural articles.

It sure is weird to be away from all of that stress. But that was all FUN stress, for sure. I miss that dancing, that anthem singing, that acting, that afterparty, that brunch, that slideshow, those visitors watching... cheering and laughing in the crowd. From all over the VA schools: UVA, ODU, W&M, a bunch of others. Rivals in other things, D7 together and understood through all the cultural similarities.

Watch these slideshows. Amusing and well put together.

If you're in Blacksburg, watch this year's show: (again on St Patrick's Day)

Because I'm just feeling so damn sentimental, I'm going to put a whole bunch of pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Practicing in good ol' Squires

Totally having a party on stage... last dance with FASA ever

The Fashion Show portion. Modeling with Mr. Paul Aquino the "Springin' Red" Collection

Tinikling, my favorite bamboo dance

Grindin' it up on Ginuwine's "In Those Jeans"

Effortlessly acting out my typical Auntie role in this skit talking to my children

CN brunch group shot

Another closeup on the dancing skills

Singing the Filipino and American National Anthems for the 3rd and final time

Rex posing as the memory of the Filipino WWII Veteran, nice image

I miss FASA. Good news though, I still make lumpia and adobo!

Monday, March 12, 2007

George W meets Moses

George W. Bush was walking through an airport last week, when he saw an old man with white hair, a long white beard, wearing a long white robe and holding a staff. He walked up to the man, who was staring at the ceiling, and "Excuse me sir, aren't you Moses?"

The man stood perfectly still and continued to stare at the ceiling, saying nothing. Again, George W. asked, a little louder this time, "Excuse me sir, aren't you Moses?" Again, the old man stared at the ceiling motionless without saying a word. George W. tried a third time, louder yet. "Excuse me sir, aren't you Moses?" Again, no movement or words from the old man. He continued to stare at the ceiling.

One of George W's aides asked him if there was a problem, and George W. said, "Either this man is deaf or extremely rude. I have asked him three times if he was Moses, and he has not answered me yet." To which the man, still staring at the ceiling finally replied to the aide, "I can hear him and yes, I am Moses, but the last time I spoke to a bush, I spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness."

Let's ponder on this a while, shall we? (I'm such a cool, smart Ensign)

This is what I learned at Lenten Catholic mass this Sunday. Minus the hour of sleep of course.

Funny things today:
I found out the food thief at API Gym
My toes, nails and the wiggle action
Finding out how crazy this place has turned since I've been gone
Seeing Monts at swim

There's a Habitat for Humanity coming up in May. Anybody want to volunteer with me?

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Wow, I've been bad at this lenten thing since I've been moving. There is just too much for me to do and so far, the rules I haven't broken have been not buying clothes for myself and not drinking beer (since my return). I'm getting close to 7 hours again, but since my room is a complete mess with all my belongings disorganized all over the floor, the sleep isn't getting quite yet there. Slowly, but surely.

Gonna get back on that train... when my room is clean.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


There was no way I was going to survive the whole weekend in CC without touching a single beer. You can't do beer pong or flip cup with anything else (although I was serious when I suggested doing it with Hennessy, "A Very Special Cognac") so that went out for the weekend.

I didn't really get the sleep I wanted either.

So I can either drop those two off the list because they've been broken and just fall back on the other 3, or feel really bad but move on and just omit that weekend off from Lent.

I'm going to go with the latter... and with that, its time to pack for tomorrow's adventure. CC was a ripping good time. Good times, good times. Plus the beach ain't so bad when it's just across the street.
