Monday, March 12, 2007

George W meets Moses

George W. Bush was walking through an airport last week, when he saw an old man with white hair, a long white beard, wearing a long white robe and holding a staff. He walked up to the man, who was staring at the ceiling, and "Excuse me sir, aren't you Moses?"

The man stood perfectly still and continued to stare at the ceiling, saying nothing. Again, George W. asked, a little louder this time, "Excuse me sir, aren't you Moses?" Again, the old man stared at the ceiling motionless without saying a word. George W. tried a third time, louder yet. "Excuse me sir, aren't you Moses?" Again, no movement or words from the old man. He continued to stare at the ceiling.

One of George W's aides asked him if there was a problem, and George W. said, "Either this man is deaf or extremely rude. I have asked him three times if he was Moses, and he has not answered me yet." To which the man, still staring at the ceiling finally replied to the aide, "I can hear him and yes, I am Moses, but the last time I spoke to a bush, I spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness."

Let's ponder on this a while, shall we? (I'm such a cool, smart Ensign)

This is what I learned at Lenten Catholic mass this Sunday. Minus the hour of sleep of course.

Funny things today:
I found out the food thief at API Gym
My toes, nails and the wiggle action
Finding out how crazy this place has turned since I've been gone
Seeing Monts at swim

There's a Habitat for Humanity coming up in May. Anybody want to volunteer with me?

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