Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Quick Update

My sister came to visit for about 2 weeks during her summer vacation. Where's MY summer vacation? Oh, that's right, we don't get those anymore. But anyways, she came to spend some time with her one and only favorite sis:

At the Captain's Cup Volleyball tournament (VT-4 took 1st!)

Naval Aviation Museum - sittin in a F/A-14 Tomcat, doin it Top Gun style lol

Watching the loop-de-loops at the Blue Angels Show

Beachy at Pensacola

She left just in time for my sim flights... last one is tomorrow. Hoping that goes well, considering its the end of block flight, but I'm crossing my fingers that I don't get scheduled for INAV flights on the Thursday after. I haven't really gotten to preparing for it yet, and we're technically supposed to always be 2 flights ahead. Each of these INAVs require 2 flight plans (originals and backups) so its a lot of time involved.

Cross your fingers.

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