Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Trying out the Hotel Room Workout by Zuzana

Based off of a recent post I read from Flying Stiletto, I decided to check out this website called bodyrock.tv which features this lady Zuzana from the Czech Republic.  She is really hard core looking with these bodacious boobs that almost remind me of the types of females on the Sims games... haha!

Anyways, I have tried two workouts in the past two days.  The one I just recently completed was the Hotel Room Workout featured here.

12 minute circuit which I did in my very own living room (small space that it had left) and kept track of my numbers too.  I like the style of these short but very intense workouts, a big time saver!

Zuzana's results
My results are as follows:

Exercise                                             Round 1     Round 2

Squats on the left shoulder                10 reps       10 reps
Dive bombers                                     4 reps         4 reps
Squats on the right shoulder               9 reps        10 reps
Diagonal knee tuck pushups               6 reps        6 reps
Squats on the left shoulder                10 reps       11 reps
Tricep Leg Lifts                                 7 reps         10 reps
Squats on the right shoulder              10 reps        9 reps
Santana pushup                                  6 reps          4 reps
Squats on the left shoulder                10 reps       11 reps
Monkey pushups                                5 reps         6 reps
Squats on the right shoulder              9 reps         10 reps
Sumo pushups                                    6 reps        6 reps

I think I fared pretty well for the first time doing this workout, don't you think?  She did all the squats with a 35 pound sandbag, I did it with my flight bag which had all my flight pubs in it.  It's comparable, but I have no idea how much it really weighs...

How's your score?

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