Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Year in Review

Just so you all know, I'm basing this blog off of a list of questions I found on facebook called "Year in Review".

Well... to start off, I'm glad to say that I am always making new friends, always adding more to the buddy list. I absolutely hate having enemies, but sometimes I do what I feel is right and I can't help other people harboring feelings of hatred for something I didn't intend to personally hurt them. (This is important to remember because this particularly happened this year and I sort of played "tool".)

Hobbies... I still play tennis when I can, I stopped knitting after the winter rush in Blacksburg (when I absolutely needed scarves), but I remember early in the year I got into weightlifting and cardioboxing which was fun. Its too bad I started to lift the last semester of my senior year, but its better late than never, right? I'm looking pretty good compared to the piece I was as a freshman. I now swim a lot, working at the pool. Also, in my spare time, I'm recording cover songs, and I'm trying to do projects, particularly collages.

Did I get older? Well, I did turn 21... finally. Hello alcohol, goodbye money. But I do have to say one thing... I've developed this habit of running or working out the morning after big drinking nights. Interesting how I run a lot more than I ever did in college. Sometimes realization for the better comes a little delayed.

Parties never stop, so no change there--its just the type of parties now being in Pensacola with people who graduated college at the same time. Just more of the theme kind. And more wine too. Yes, more wine.

Big year in '06, right? I mean, I graduated from the Corps of Cadets, I received a bachelor's degree from Virginia Tech, and got my gold bars and commission into the United States Navy. I finally moved away from the dorms, then out of the state into brand new territory. Yeah, that was pretty exciting. I'm now making a decent income and paying for everything myself. That part's not exciting.

I went to one wedding and one funeral this year. Angelica got married to a really great guy... My 'uncle' Steve. Good choice! The funeral I went to was for someone I didn't know, a veteran, Sean Reed and I during the summer went and folded the flag draped on the coffin. Our service for the fallen.

No physical fights, but a couple verbal fights... before a breakup. Um... what else? I visited a few sporting events this year: Legg Mason Tennis Classic in D.C., Pensacola Ice Pilots hockey games, and lots of football games on television. I haven't gotten into another accident since last year's mess, but I did get a speeding ticket the day I checked out of VT, with my parents tailing me too! Ridiculous old deaf guy didn't even want to hear my excuses. Grrr... Came down to Pensacola with only what could fit into my car. Made some "big" purchases when I arrived... my MacBook, my apartment, my bed, and my digital piano. I've also learned how to cook! It tastes good too. I'm not all that bad, really.

I have realized my body can only take 6 hours of continuous sleep unless accompanied by drugs or alcohol... I got a navel piercing on a whim with someone who later became someone who hated me (as previously stated) because of something I had to do. No tats this year. Pooh.

Here's the part where I throw the questions in here rather than put them in paragraph form, for times sake:

In 2006, how many....
different places did you work? 2. The ROTC unit... and my current stash job
times did you go out drinking? Uh, a lot?!
times did you smoke marijuana? Zilch
drugs did you take? drugs like aspirin? I don't count
times did you have health problems? I'm sick right now with some sore throat thing
times did you go to the movies? A lot since I graduated
concerts did you attend? I don't remember
people did you make out with? 3.. ooh, curious aren't you
people did you have sex with? No comment
people tried to have sex with you? I'll just say everybody, haha
times did you get your ass kicked? I don't roll like that
crushes did you have? more than three I suppose
times did you attend church? every Sunday that was available
"rough nights" did you have? My fair share

In 2006, what was?
your favorite day of the year? Graduation/commissioning
your favorite band? I assume "band" means more than one person: I guess Black Eyed Peas did it for me this year
your least favorite day of the year? I don't get into fights at all. But wait, that one day when I did, it SUCKED.
your favorite movie? the Prestige
your favorite song of the year? Buttons
the most expensive thing you stole? man I really wish I remembered this one
the biggest event you attended? Legg Mason. My lil sis and I did the whole weekend thing... a LOT of matches for one person
something that didn't change at all this year? My complete and utter dorkiness for "dorky" asian games
your favorite holiday? Birthdays... free drinks!

Misc. questions about 2006 A.D.
were you in a hospital this year? Visiting people who got wrecked.. but me, no
were you in an ambulance this year? No
did you make any big confessions in 06? Not too big, but big enough I suppose
did you make friends with anyone of the opposite sex that you love but only as a friend? How about all the time
embarrassed about anything you did this year? I went up stripper poles in a dance club... I was drunk but I acted like I owned them things
what's the best thing to happen to you this year? Graduation/commission
did you meet anyone that you could see yourself marrying ? I thought no at first, then I thought yes definitely, then I thought no again.
did anyone you have no feelings for confess to having feelings for you? Yes
did you vote this year? sadly no, I changed residency during elections
did you bring sexy back this year? Hell yeah
was 2006 a great year, an average year or a bad year? It was a great year
what goals did you set for 2007? Work on my social skills. Haha. No, I'm learning more languages and reading lots more because I feel dumber after graduation. =)

I hadn't been dumped this year (thank god) but I did a) fell apart with someone, b) had a guilty pleasure type of fling thing, and c) broke up with a guy because I was still hung up.

As far as falling in love goes for this year... I fell, but I'm afraid the guy I fell for didn't come to pick me up. I'm glad tbs decided to show My Boys this year, a show which conveys the main character as someone whose life mimics mine and other women I know in this male-dominated business.

I think that's enough for you all, eh? Happy holidays and toodles.

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