Friday, August 10, 2007

The Out and In that turned into a Mini CCX


For you non-aviation types, an "out and in" is not the first thing that pops into your head, it is better described as a drop in to another airport (non-base) for food or whatever, then back to your home base.

My out and in to Lake Charles/Chennault airport located in what I call south central LA (Louisiana, yup, home of the Cajun style food.. "boo yah")...

So I had already briefed this flight before with the same instructor 2 days before and had been cancelled twice due to bad weather in the area. Or so they say. The sigmet pictures online tell me I can't legally fly. Oh pish posh. But anyways, it was the first time I had actually stepped onto the flight line only 30 minutes after brief time. I performed the flight pretty well, getting all the point to points down, finally making it into Chennault airport. We did one 2 approaches, one circling and one ILS. Upon touchdown which was less tha 80 mind you, my instructor noted our left main tire felt flat. Checking in with the airport's rinky dinky tower (well, compared to our really tall one), a blown tire was confirmed... and we taxied at minimum power to get tied up and head inside to the FBO for food. With no maintenance available nearby to help our forsaken T-6A, we were destined to stay the night in Lake Charles.

First of all, the people there were very kind and helpful to us upon our arrival! They hooked us up with a hotel room at the local Sleep Inn (right next to the Chuck.E.Cheese no doubt) and we got the crew car (the black minivan) to do our errands. We kicked it off by checking into the Inn, where we both were able to get 2 doubles for the same price as a single. We then did our grand entrance into the nearby Old Navy for some hanging out clothes (this is where I did most of my impulse shopping. (I bought a shirt that said "head in the clouds". I know, isnt that awesome?)

Afterwards we went back, changed, headed to Wal-mart to get some essentials for my eyes, and the IP got some liquor in their liquor department. Welcome to Louisiana. Decided to ditch the rental car idea, returned the car to the FBO, where the owner's 19-year-old son took us around and dropped us off at Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. I quickly learned I had to build my beer tolerance.

I rock at the trivia game, by the way.

A couple of boneless wings and beers later, the driver picked us up in the Jaguar, and brought us back to the hotel for some more TV watching. Werd.

Next morning, saw Rob Sanders from VT-10 doing the same route I did at the airport (like I saw Chad Quandt the day before) and we just all chilled while the Capt Clark and I waited for the maintenance guys to arrive in our T-39. 2 new sets of tires and a brand new tank later, we were up in the air to finally complete the second leg of my flight plan. Scored above MIF on my P2Ps, did a couple of approaches at Mobile Regional, then back home for a GCA.

You know you did pretty good when the IP gives you a beer during the debrief. So that's why the bar's there... for days like this. We actually touched down the same time we lifted off the day before... kinda like a 24 hour ride. It was my only chance for a cross country (CCX) while down in primary here in Pensacola, because who knows after graduation this Friday... I might not be here anymore. MIght get my platform and move!

Well, I just thought I'd post all this, I had fun so it was pretty notable for me. And it was the first time I felt a lot more comfortable in the plane with all the procedures. There is still a lot of studying to be done, and there's always room for improvement. Flying.. it ain't half bad, if it can get you anywhere out of Pensacola!

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