Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Let's see how the first day went...

1. No alcohol today.
2. No spending.
3. Cleaned the kitchen and did laundry today.
4. Read and thought about the daily readings... the Lord does not boast. He is Almighty and he shares his life with us, he doesn't lord it over is.
5. 11:30 to 6:30. Exact.
6. I'm more accessible by cell now.

Turns out in a span of 2 hours, I gained a roommate because I lost a roommate but the one I gained I lost now to API but also lost and gained an apartment. Whew. Moving in with Erin! Plans have changed, we're adjusting... we'll be home sometime Lunedi.

27 February 2007

1. Dub'E poured me a big glass of red wine, and I couldn't even finish it. I was so tired today, for reasons beyond my knowledge.
2. Bought stuff from a bookstore... no clothes.
3. Cooked lumpia and brought it to the fellow shipmates.
4. Check.
5. 11:45ish to 7:00. Nice.

My sister texted me this morning to tell me she was in a car accident. She rides with a senior to school in the morning and they slipped on some ice just out of the neighborhood. The car fishtailed and rolled over into a ditch. They had to climb out one of the windows because the car landed sideways. I'm so glad that she's ok, but she's still shaken up. She actually still went back to school, her friend was shaken up a lot and went home. I'm not sure, but my sister might be scared to drive right now (she's still in the process of getting enough hours to get a license) but then again driving in ice/snow is not a very safe idea anyway.

The roomming situations back in Pensacola keep changing, but as long as I have a place to sleep, I'm just fine.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Lenten Resolutions

It's this time of year when you have to really sit down and think about how you've screwed up part of your New Year's Resolutions, and how you're going to make up for it. So I thought.

I had already decided a few days ago to give up beer because it adds absolutely nothing good to the body. I've been trying to work out twice a workday so the addition of beer wouldn't benefit me at all. I've read plenty to know that a glass of red wine is healthy for you. Another thing I realized I could do for lent was to go through old stuff and clean out the closet a bit. However, most of the stuff I don't need is sitting in my other closet at the big house. Instead of sending that stuff to Goodwill or the Salvation Army, we always send it to my relatives in Iriga.

So here it goes, the Lenten Goals. (And these are going to be kind of rough, so I will have to track my progress.)

1. No beer, only ONE glass of red wine per day.
2. No spending on clothes for myself.
3. Clean and organize (once I get back to the apartment).
4. Read the two Christian gospel magazines and its daily words of worship.
5. Attain at least 7 hours of sleep. (6 hours is usually when my internal clock likes to say "I'm done. Wake up, girl.") 8 is considered standard, but I'm going to take this slow.
6. iChat is being turned off in the meantime.

Hope I don't bore you all with this. Let's hope that I can pull all of this off.

Friday, February 23, 2007

While jogging...

Nice weather... what are the deer doing? Why are they running after me? ..Oh wait, they're running WITH me... okay...

That cat looks like Garfield... (There's a cat on the hill just staring out into space, almost like he's doing his early morning pondering)

I wonder about all the girls whom I thought were considered "hot" in middle school and made fun of everyone... they used to look good, now their Facebook photo albums add like 20 pounds onto their figure. Sure makes me a helluva lot happier.

How come Powerbars taste disgusting, but I keep eating them? I guess the chocolate kind is the ONLY good kind.

I hope I don't have to go to Corpus Christi this weekend.

Man! I can make fun of those fatties now! They made fun of us, now its revenge!
Wow. That thought was ridiculous. I smell cedar.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

This family is too cool.

So... Erin took me on my first bike ride in Garden Ridge. We went at least 20 mph on the roads--cars, gravel, and all. It was rather adventurous, although now my legs and crotch area are taking a beating. My seat was a little low and I haven't quite gotten the muscle memory figured out yet with push and pull. But going through traffic is pretty cool... especially sporting Navy tri gear.

I'll make sure we take pictures next time we go. Which means I must go out and purchase a camera tomorrow.

Ash Wednesday: I don't know what I'm giving up, it should be either wine or chocolate... but it seems to be the only staple every evening here in the McCaw estates it would be way too difficult to get tangled up in that mess. What should I give up? In college it used to be AIM every year, so I would go through this IM withdrawal for 2 months, it would be miserable. I could do that... but how would I get in touch with people? Aha.

Call me.

**decided to give up beer.**

Thursday, February 15, 2007


The past few days have been pretty chill, but busy. Visited Schreiner University up in Kerrville, Texas. It’s a liberal arts university that also carries med students, but apparently has a PAO department that does not fare well with informing their 6,000 students of a career fair. But the drive up there and back wasn’t bad. Senior Chief is a very interesting person to listen to.

Oh, I listen. I am discovering now that I may be even dumber now than I used to be, therefore I make a better listener. So if you like to talk, I will listen. Debate? Not much. I guess I just like to think about what you say. I will formulate my own opinion of things when I have quiet time with myself, not when they stay less-than-abstract.

Unless… the topics we discuss require any skill or intelligence, a.k.a. the goof topics. Anything to distinguish myself as a woman from a guy won’t cut it. I will be impressed if you can talk about politics, but bored. If you can give me your opinion on Filipino Veterans from WWII, then maybe I’ll consider talking. But once we’re on the subject of the many things we can do using waterballoons on a cold day… you’re my favorite.

Tomorrow is Friday. That is when I start swimming again. I'm also considering becoming Scuba certified. And later... we begin San Antonio nightlife, and hopefully I get to see some of my favorite boys. ::chees'n::

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Temporary Life

It's only been two days of TAD work and even though I'm actually working hours as opposed to the lazy life I could be having right about... now... I'm enjoying it. I checked into the Navy Recruiting District in San Antonio and working with the coolest Master Chief and Senior Chief in the existence of naval recruiting. Today, we headed over to the University of Texas Health Science Center and got to meet med students. Free lunch! Anyways, its great to finally be involved in something bigger than yourself, coming home after putting some good work hours in at Fort Sam Houston, then going home to only find you have about 5 hours left to yourself before you ought to be heading to bed. So then, there's so much to do around here, it's only a matter of figuring out what it is you want to do.

Staying at Erin's and being a part of the family temporarily has been a good thing so far. She hasn't had a girl roommate in a while and its good to have a roommate for myself who I can actually do things with again. (Sorry, Laura. You're busy with... other things.)

I'm really glad I got to visit the boys down in Corpus Christi for the weekend. It felt like a big reunion in small doses, the P-cola bunch all trying to go out and have a good time. If it wasn't for the Nation, I woudn't have been able to go to my first "strip club" Club Cheetah (the club amnesia)... thinking about working there one night... :) Excited for them to come up here. Good times, good times.

Well, I've got to attend one of those job/career fairs 2 hours up from here, so I've got to get to bed. I think this is teaching me so much more than napping as a stash is... sue me, I prefer to be a workaholic. It's the only way I can not become fat.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I can't believe I had to scrape ice off my windshield this morning.

Then after work, it felt like the mid-60's out... I could have gone to the beach.

Enlisted people in the gym are like little kids. It's fun to watch.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


With all this time on my hands.. I could be reading. But... instead when everyone's busy doing their own thing, I have been in the mood to do the types of things to hurt myself.

For instance, the tattoo shown above. Got it done on my wrist, but its cool yeah? vm - yall should know what it stands for.

Next, I've been doing 10 minutes punching on the speedbag everytime I work out at the gym. Now, I could never get the speed bag down, but now I've found the rhythm and I know how to work it now with the back of my fist and the front jabs. I've got no wraps yet, and don't plan on getting one soon, but its tearing up my knuckles and making them red... its kinda cool to punch the living shit out of the thing. Kind of an aggressive energy that doesn't hurt anyone.

Going to work on getting another piercing done today... I bet you all are wondering where it's going to be huh? Got the earlobes, the navel... can you think of any other places?

Folks, this is what waiting around will make you do. It will cause you to do stupid things. Learn from this. Hopefully this phase will pass and I won't start skydiving anytime soon. Oh wait, aren't I in the aviation field? I'm going to be in big planes, high in the sky..... and there's plenty of ORM to calculate for that.

Friday, February 02, 2007


This is what America is....
Why isn't this all over the news? If he had done something wrong, it surely would be!

Got this from Lauren. It really is such a nice picture.

On another note...

do you have any idea how hard it is to drink light beer when you know that's all you are allowed to consume, if any at all...?
do you have any idea how hard it is to not eat rice everyday?
do you have any idea how hard it is to keep yourself occupied when you know you don't actually start the training you came down to do... until 11 months after you graduate?
do you have any idea how hard it is to want to continue songwriting, but have absolutely not enough inspiration (see previous statement)?

i've been asking myself these questions a lot lately.