Thursday, February 15, 2007


The past few days have been pretty chill, but busy. Visited Schreiner University up in Kerrville, Texas. It’s a liberal arts university that also carries med students, but apparently has a PAO department that does not fare well with informing their 6,000 students of a career fair. But the drive up there and back wasn’t bad. Senior Chief is a very interesting person to listen to.

Oh, I listen. I am discovering now that I may be even dumber now than I used to be, therefore I make a better listener. So if you like to talk, I will listen. Debate? Not much. I guess I just like to think about what you say. I will formulate my own opinion of things when I have quiet time with myself, not when they stay less-than-abstract.

Unless… the topics we discuss require any skill or intelligence, a.k.a. the goof topics. Anything to distinguish myself as a woman from a guy won’t cut it. I will be impressed if you can talk about politics, but bored. If you can give me your opinion on Filipino Veterans from WWII, then maybe I’ll consider talking. But once we’re on the subject of the many things we can do using waterballoons on a cold day… you’re my favorite.

Tomorrow is Friday. That is when I start swimming again. I'm also considering becoming Scuba certified. And later... we begin San Antonio nightlife, and hopefully I get to see some of my favorite boys. ::chees'n::

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