Monday, April 02, 2007


Hey folks, time for a quick update on the first day of classes. The day started out with lightning in the distance on the drive to the gym, which was a bad sign but quite odd because lightning was all you saw, unaccompanied by thunder and the usual rain showers. So, sadly we had to run the PRT. For some odd reason, the prior OCS guys voted sand to grass, so we had to do our best performance on hard, wet sand with random sticks spread all over the place. Needless to say, my test score was still the same from when I was in ROTC a year ago with the usual max of pushups, and a excellent low-ish on everything else.

AFter that we had about 2.5 hours to spare, so I went home, indulged in a shower, watched some VH1, chowed down on some breakfast, then slowly made my way back to API. Had briefs from the API director (who was also an XO of TBS back in the day), the Skipper of Schools Command, and the Chaplain. Headed to Subway for lunch for about an hour at the food court--probably one of the few times that'll happen, it's going to get expensive--then came back for 2.5 hours of Aero 1. The easiest chapters in one day.

Tomorrow we'll be tackling the more difficult parts of the book after lunch--after a nice Water Survival video (I've had the pleasure of viewing a bit of it while stashed at the API pool) and a mini swim screen (can you swim 50 yards=2 lengths without freaking out in the water?) just to get used to the insane amount of chlorine in the tanks. Gonna stay after to study some more aero and ahead for Weather starting on Wednesday. Exciting stuff eh? Plus they gave us 4 GMTs we've got to complete by Friday (Yay for ORM briefs AGAIN). I'm excited. Not about the weather though. It rains, and then I have to live in 80+ weather in my own apartment. Times like these I want to move to California where the weather is JUST RIGHT. Til next time, folks.

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