Monday, April 09, 2007

Day 6

Hey there, this will be quick, as I have a lot of studying to do.

Aero 1 test this morning at 0630, on the first 6 chapters of the book. We had a female LT who had this mood swing, psh... women. She was about to start us on the test, and she got really quiet, checking her watch. Then she saw someone in the front row writing down on his dump sheet and opening the test (I guess he assumed the silence meant we could start) and she yelled at him, "Are you starting the damn test?" She went a 180 then pulled out a pink post it and was about to take his name down when she asked the rest of the class if they had started writing. (Pretty much anything pink paperish is a bad sign, we get "Pink sheets" if you fail a test or a swim evolutions... 3 of those pink sheets and you're out) She decided not to take names (I guess because there were about 3 other people who raised their hands, maybe she didn't want to do extra paperwork?) and as she was walking out, she told us "I hope nobody fails the test." The tone of voice she used, she might as well implied "I hope you all fail the test." The whole class passed the exam (which is 80% or higher) and class average is about a 94. They also do averages according to branch, and as I expected it, USN was last with 93, followed by USCG, USAF, then the USMC being the top do-gooders of the class. Who knew? j/k...

Then we had our first class of Aero 2... our prof went through it really fast, so for someone like me who didn't really read ahead of today (because I was gung-ho studying for this morning's exam), the information just kind of flew over my head. So bottom line: READ AHEAD.

Back to the pool at 1000, we did the WS-5, which was added gear and gloves. For some reason I sank faster than I did last time, so I was already having mini-freakouts during the float, where I was actually supposed to be calm. Because when I took my 5-8 seconds of float time, I did a big underwater clap and then realized that it didn't quite get me to the surface to get air, so just realizing I was sinking 2 feet and needed to expend more energy just to get air was tiring me out. But, I got through it (luckily!). Then we did more build-up laps (the fun part... not really).

Packed a yummy sammich, finished up the weather book and out by 1430 (2:30 for you non-military types). Tomorrow, we start up in the pool, same as today with a helmet. I think I am going to study tonight in the library... after a nap of course.

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