Friday, April 20, 2007

I guess its Day 15? I'm just going by weeks now...

So, low and behold, Week 3 is finito! And I've already got one pink sheet, 4 tests behind me, a mile swim under my belt (not to mention lots of swallowed chlorine, mostly likely harmful to my health), and about 10 bucks worth of gedunk added to my great female figure. (Ok, great may be used interchangeably with "decent" here)

Passed the engines exam, learned hot to put a jet log together (well... re-learned b/c we did this stuff in IFS, except now this stuff is really testable stuff) and now all I've gotta do is keep doing nav problems until I've worn and torn the whizwheel.

Wait! I've got to pick up my flight suits at the wings n things... got the patches and velcro done. But anyways, happy stoner day.... 8 year anniversary to Columbine, official Day of mourning for VT, and lots of other celebrations. Happy Birthday Lily Tam and Ate Evelina! Later chickadoos... one more of academics and then its "lets see how many times we can drown Vanessa in one evolution" time.

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