Thursday, April 05, 2007

Day 4

The day started out with some delicious chlorine in my system as we performed the 100 yd swim stroke test. I did arms yesterday, so my joints were a little sore, but theres something about that heated pool that makes it go away... temporarily. Then we got a demo of the tower jump and then performed it, doing the abandoned ship jump off of a tower (about 14 feet above the pool?). Did the no contact lens thing so I couldn't really focus on the horizon of which I was supposed to be staring at, and I think I loosened the nose pinch which caused me to get water up in my nose a bit. But it was all good in the end, I just hate it when you're blind and then you have to worry about water getting into your nose... its hard enough trying to figure out where you're going. Heh. Following that, we did a 5 minute prone float. Sang the same first verse everytime I went up for air because I kept forgetting the next words to the song...

Another weather class, today about frontal systems and clouds. This is prof was good in trying to wake us up after a tiring swim, made fun of the E-2s a bit and had lots of Navy humor and Marine bashing jokes. Good times.

Finally worked with a study group to grasp the first 3 chapters of aero. First time in that library... reminded me of my elementary school, except with less books on the shelves.

Today I wrote ELOs out (Enabling Learning Objectives) for a good period of time (1300 until about now, 2200) so now I won't be TOO lost when we go over the other chapters in class...

Exciting day tomorrow... weather 4 and then WS 3/4, treading for 2 min, drown proofing (floating) for 3 in flight suit and boots. Boots are probably 1/4 of my body weight! Working at the pool as a stash for 7 months taught me to not look like the one who's spazzing out, so even if I've got my head a little under the surface, the whole point is to look absolutely calm.

Remain calm, conserve energy.

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