Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Day 2

Woot! The day didn't start until 0800 which was good news. I had enough time to sleep, eat breakfast, etc. and make it down there ready to go. We had the intro video which explained the 4 basic survival strokes, then we were off to do WS-1 which checked our class to see if anyone had any fears of the water. Some people were asked to stay back and perfect the strokes a bit, but for the most part I think our class is pretty well off. The water was super chlorinated (b/c there are so many people that swim there) and me with my contacts off... bad juju. I couldn't see where I was going underwater, and then my eyes just felt pink afterwards.

We called the instructor and moved our Aero 1 class a couple hours early (nobody knows why they schedule our swim class and aero class so far apart) so we were done by 1230 today. I debated staying after to study for tomorrow's chapters, but decided to read it up on the pool deck of CountryWood.

My roommate had her 5th test, Navigation and scored pretty well. She was having her doubts, but she's maintained a 95 average (with one fluke of a test for aero 2), so I want to be like her! Her NSS score (what they grade you along the competition within your class) is above a 50, and I've been told that's good stuff. I was worried when she got that pink sheet (pink sheets are issued for test failures or failure of a testable swim event), because that meant if she got another one, she'd have to sit in front of the board (or stand, hah). 3 of them means you are most likely to be attrited. And I feel so responsible, well 10% responsible for her test grade, but that's because she told me to say that. It's actually more like 50%.

Full day tomorrow - CV workout, more swimming, first weather class and then finishing off aero 1. Yum. I hate these early days.

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