Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Days 11 and 12

Sorry y'all, I didn't get a chance to post yesterday partly because I had a lot of studying to do and also because of the tragic events that happened yesterday, April 16, 2007. I'm sure we all know by now the details regarding the Virginia Tech shooting, which affects the Highty Tighties as well as the corps and Hokie Nation. Before I get into the API day, R.I.P. Matt LaPorte, HT 09. I didn't really know you, but you have greeted me numerous times in the halls and had BP with me.

Ok, so the Aero 2 test didn't fare so well with me yesterday. You know when you take a test and you feel so confident coming out of it you don't feel like you have to worry about it anymore because you aced it? RTFQ (READ THE FULL (OR F***ING) QUESTION) or else you'll end up having to retake it the next morning. So that was a complete shot to the brain yesterday. We did our final stroke swim test: a lap of each of the 4 strokes, then we did about 75 yards in full flight gear. I hate backstroke! I get so much water in my mouth and up my nose, its ridiculous. Engines was fun, we learned about types of engines: props, fans, shafts, jets.

In light of what happened yesterday, I found it incredibly difficult to concentrate at my 0600 retest. The test seemed harder to me, and I had little spurts of emotional trauma in my mind, so I wasn't really sure about some of my answers. If I fail the test and then fail the rest, its an automatic roll to the class behind you, and you have to stand in front of a board (with a doc and 3 other aviators) and explain why you can't understand the freakin material.

So after the exam, I decided to let out some stress (because at this point I wasn't relaxed thinking about possibly failing again, at 78% or below) by playing volleyball and punching some more on the speedbag... and bleeding the knuckles a bit. Afterwards, went back to Instructor Bay and low and behold, I didn't fail! I only missed 4 questions. Sweet. So if I end up failing another test (there are 3 more: Engines this Friday, Nav next Tuesday, and FR&R next Friday), I have 2 failures on my "report card" and I have to talk to another board and get remediated. So lets not let this happen, shall we?

More engines class (long one) and then our first Nav class (long one also). Nav was just like what we practiced in NROTC from nav in the water and also what we did in IFS. No sweat right? Just loooooong and time consuming. It'll be the longest exam we have in the whole API thing.

How exciting.

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