Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Year in Review

Just so you all know, I'm basing this blog off of a list of questions I found on facebook called "Year in Review".

Well... to start off, I'm glad to say that I am always making new friends, always adding more to the buddy list. I absolutely hate having enemies, but sometimes I do what I feel is right and I can't help other people harboring feelings of hatred for something I didn't intend to personally hurt them. (This is important to remember because this particularly happened this year and I sort of played "tool".)

Hobbies... I still play tennis when I can, I stopped knitting after the winter rush in Blacksburg (when I absolutely needed scarves), but I remember early in the year I got into weightlifting and cardioboxing which was fun. Its too bad I started to lift the last semester of my senior year, but its better late than never, right? I'm looking pretty good compared to the piece I was as a freshman. I now swim a lot, working at the pool. Also, in my spare time, I'm recording cover songs, and I'm trying to do projects, particularly collages.

Did I get older? Well, I did turn 21... finally. Hello alcohol, goodbye money. But I do have to say one thing... I've developed this habit of running or working out the morning after big drinking nights. Interesting how I run a lot more than I ever did in college. Sometimes realization for the better comes a little delayed.

Parties never stop, so no change there--its just the type of parties now being in Pensacola with people who graduated college at the same time. Just more of the theme kind. And more wine too. Yes, more wine.

Big year in '06, right? I mean, I graduated from the Corps of Cadets, I received a bachelor's degree from Virginia Tech, and got my gold bars and commission into the United States Navy. I finally moved away from the dorms, then out of the state into brand new territory. Yeah, that was pretty exciting. I'm now making a decent income and paying for everything myself. That part's not exciting.

I went to one wedding and one funeral this year. Angelica got married to a really great guy... My 'uncle' Steve. Good choice! The funeral I went to was for someone I didn't know, a veteran, Sean Reed and I during the summer went and folded the flag draped on the coffin. Our service for the fallen.

No physical fights, but a couple verbal fights... before a breakup. Um... what else? I visited a few sporting events this year: Legg Mason Tennis Classic in D.C., Pensacola Ice Pilots hockey games, and lots of football games on television. I haven't gotten into another accident since last year's mess, but I did get a speeding ticket the day I checked out of VT, with my parents tailing me too! Ridiculous old deaf guy didn't even want to hear my excuses. Grrr... Came down to Pensacola with only what could fit into my car. Made some "big" purchases when I arrived... my MacBook, my apartment, my bed, and my digital piano. I've also learned how to cook! It tastes good too. I'm not all that bad, really.

I have realized my body can only take 6 hours of continuous sleep unless accompanied by drugs or alcohol... I got a navel piercing on a whim with someone who later became someone who hated me (as previously stated) because of something I had to do. No tats this year. Pooh.

Here's the part where I throw the questions in here rather than put them in paragraph form, for times sake:

In 2006, how many....
different places did you work? 2. The ROTC unit... and my current stash job
times did you go out drinking? Uh, a lot?!
times did you smoke marijuana? Zilch
drugs did you take? drugs like aspirin? I don't count
times did you have health problems? I'm sick right now with some sore throat thing
times did you go to the movies? A lot since I graduated
concerts did you attend? I don't remember
people did you make out with? 3.. ooh, curious aren't you
people did you have sex with? No comment
people tried to have sex with you? I'll just say everybody, haha
times did you get your ass kicked? I don't roll like that
crushes did you have? more than three I suppose
times did you attend church? every Sunday that was available
"rough nights" did you have? My fair share

In 2006, what was?
your favorite day of the year? Graduation/commissioning
your favorite band? I assume "band" means more than one person: I guess Black Eyed Peas did it for me this year
your least favorite day of the year? I don't get into fights at all. But wait, that one day when I did, it SUCKED.
your favorite movie? the Prestige
your favorite song of the year? Buttons
the most expensive thing you stole? man I really wish I remembered this one
the biggest event you attended? Legg Mason. My lil sis and I did the whole weekend thing... a LOT of matches for one person
something that didn't change at all this year? My complete and utter dorkiness for "dorky" asian games
your favorite holiday? Birthdays... free drinks!

Misc. questions about 2006 A.D.
were you in a hospital this year? Visiting people who got wrecked.. but me, no
were you in an ambulance this year? No
did you make any big confessions in 06? Not too big, but big enough I suppose
did you make friends with anyone of the opposite sex that you love but only as a friend? How about all the time
embarrassed about anything you did this year? I went up stripper poles in a dance club... I was drunk but I acted like I owned them things
what's the best thing to happen to you this year? Graduation/commission
did you meet anyone that you could see yourself marrying ? I thought no at first, then I thought yes definitely, then I thought no again.
did anyone you have no feelings for confess to having feelings for you? Yes
did you vote this year? sadly no, I changed residency during elections
did you bring sexy back this year? Hell yeah
was 2006 a great year, an average year or a bad year? It was a great year
what goals did you set for 2007? Work on my social skills. Haha. No, I'm learning more languages and reading lots more because I feel dumber after graduation. =)

I hadn't been dumped this year (thank god) but I did a) fell apart with someone, b) had a guilty pleasure type of fling thing, and c) broke up with a guy because I was still hung up.

As far as falling in love goes for this year... I fell, but I'm afraid the guy I fell for didn't come to pick me up. I'm glad tbs decided to show My Boys this year, a show which conveys the main character as someone whose life mimics mine and other women I know in this male-dominated business.

I think that's enough for you all, eh? Happy holidays and toodles.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


One more week of working stash at the pool then I'm back home for about 2-3 weeks to fatten up again. That's what happens when you decide to go home when the rest of the family is still living their lives going to work and school... which gives me time to relax, read up, make contact with friends I haven't seen since high school, etcetera. Plus, most of the people here in Pensacola have already started to move on with the next parts of their lives so I'm already looking for a new change of scenery. We've gotten a new batch of kids (as always) but I don't think I was ready for their wild energy... I'm just mostly looking forward to hanging out with the little sister (even if that means that I have to chauffer her around while she takes advantage of my presence or my money) because I am missing out on helping her with all her junior year woes.

Guitar hero, or the thought of it is ruining my life. I am conditioning my fingers by playing classical piano. I like my wifey too.. she has been able to talk me through these times that are happening (which don't need to be happening.... I've got to focus onto something else) so kudos to her for that and complete thanks :)

PBYC with the last karaoke song of the night, closing out with "Closing Time"


I don't know if anyone is really reading this, I am going to revert to writing the "more private" posts b/c of LT B's comment. Anything about the personal life is going to the secret batcave unless there's a cry for help.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

First hangover of the season

Lots of rockiness in the past few days.

I know how it is with drama... if its not about you then you're perfectly obligated to talk about it with other people "not involved", making it somewhat of a sport or fun argument between friends. But its really amazing how you can feel the vibe or an odd "awkwardness" when you know you yourself are experiencing drama--or dating problems--and nobody...NOBODY talks about it in front of you, but you can sense that they do when you're not there.

Recently I broke up with a guy after about a month and some change of dating. But bitter, confused feelings have caused my emotions to go on rollercoaster rides and honestly, even though there is nothing exciting going on with my line of work at this moment (not being classed up and just really sitting around), I would still rather not be experiencing such turmoil around me.

I'd like to say that my heart still belongs to someone else, despite knowing and accepting the fact that things may never go back to the way they used to be... but that's just my problem. I want to, as Paula DeAnda says in that song of hers to "walk away" and move on. It seems though that I've got to get past this, and I know that I need to find something else to distract me. I wanna say damn to my private issues.

I know what I want. But then I don't know what I want.

My fickleness has now followed me into my personal life. It's like a disease I can't prevent.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The only thing I can remember Papa say to me during Thanksgiving

"Hoy, Nessa let me see your hole."

(insert laugh here)

You sickos. He was obviously referring to my navel ring hole...

BTW, VA was a good time. I got my family "fix" and watched VT vs UVA on tv. Can't have it any better than that! Well... maybe you can...

Back in the 70's now... but don't worry, I'll be back home to celebrate the way Christmas/NY is supposed to be spent. IN THE COLD.

Monday, November 13, 2006

I hate it, but its true

None of the following was written by me, but it might as well have flowed straight from my brain onto the keys, so thanks star for writing it down for me...

March 24, 2006

Wow. I forgot how much I enjoyed those late night conversations, where you express your deepest feelings of how the members of the opposite sex can make life miserable. Pretty amusing. I had an epiphany at 4am while I was at the math emporium, pulling an allniter. We’ve existed together since the beginning of time, and yet we don’t understand each other at all. Guys think girls are nothing but greedy bitches, and girls think guys are assholes only looking to get laid. I can't help but feel suffocated by some girls who seem to only care of the most trivial aspects of life, so I can feel where guys are coming from. But guys also have a way of being overconfident in knowing what we want. Yes, there are those few exceptions where individuals find the love of their life on the first try, but it's rare.

For most of us, we spend our lives either settling or constantly yearning to meet someone who comes close to our incredibly high expectations. Because, if you’re not willing to settle, then of course, you’d wait forever for that perfect someone. But, that perfect someone doesn’t appear, because if you think they are perfect, then they should be out of reach, right? Of course. If they’re tangible, then they can’t possibly be good enough.

Funny, how we don’t realize the games we play. Games we play with other people’s lives. And all along you thought you were being real, when you could not be more fake. Strange, how you can be jolted out of indifference when it comes to the emotions that touch your heart. It has to be the most amazing thing when you realize that you don’t want to take your emotions for granted. But it’s the hardest thing to let people know how you feel about them, because that would put you out there, vulnerable. And it’s hard to be vulnerable when you’re so used to being so strong.

Sometimes, you have to will those “mean reds” away, and stop being afraid of feeling something real. Because pain lets you know that you’re alive and not just existing. How sad would it be if you went through life not knowing true love. The kind of love that can kill you inside if you’re not careful. The kind of love where you don’t want to be careful, but would rather die than live without it…

As someone once told me, we’re all either empty shells or occupied solids. When are we ever fully available? We all have histories. We all have emotional baggage. And it is too hard to leave those painful memories behind, but why would you want to, when they’re so ingrained in who you are.

I’m so sorry, if you’re an empty shell, and what I’m saying is going over your head. I’m so sincerely sorry…


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Get Involved

If you are coming down to Pensacola...

and you plan on waiting a long time to start API like I am...

get involved.

Or else you'll find yourself shooting yourself in the head almost every day.

The apt has decided to go ahead and learn Italian. We also are official fans of the API/Flight Management Soccer team for Captain's Cup.

Oh, I'm in the Captain's Cup for the tennis tournament also. First game was 6-0, 6-0; yesterday's was 6-1, 6-2. And already playin for the championship game on Monday. Cross your fingers...

I bought a damn book that's the size of a dictionary. It's Called "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman... amazingly I met someone who had read the book too.

One more thing... I have concluded that I am a dork. In college, I was weird. Now I'm a dork-slash-tool (according to the acad guys) but... at least I made somebody a cake for his birthday. Thoughtful, aren't I?

Mmm.. got these bomb ass speakers from JBL:

Pretty good sound... for little things, the woofers are pretty powerful.. and I got it with a gift card from USAA which is bombass. We aren't really allowed to have loud music in the complex, but this is perfect.

Um... VT beat Miami 17-10.... woooo Orange Bowl champs!

Also I'm going to Wurst Fest in Texas next week. Exciting.. my first time in the Lonestar State (since everyone in this farking place is from there originally)...

That was a really random update, but I love you. Muahness.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Oh Tech

I just read an article about Josh Hyman, the only football player I've gotten to know because he was Audrey's boyfriend... and I was lucky enough to have a photo op. He was suspended from the BC game because of a DUI.

Last year when I got into a car accident, I saw David Clowney on my court date... lord knows something happened to him too.

And we all can remember Marcus Vick, right? Enough said.

What is up with the football players, eh? They think they're invincible? Or should I just realize that they're normal people too who make normal mistakes like everyone else? They need to know that they have people looking up to them, looking for them to carry the team to wins. I know that's pressure, but that's the game and that's how its played and if they don't like it... they're in the wrong business.

And alas, our homecoming game this weekend is going to be against Southern Miss... haven't played them since '94. That'll be an interesting game to watch.. I hope to get fat off of nachos again.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What should I be for Halloween?

21 miles later...

My ticket into the permanent running club, my first ever! I'd like to thank my roommate and good friends for keeping me motivated to run, even when I really hate it...
Hello free food and discount beer!

I'm a stash too! Like my uniform?

I work at the pool/gym... fun times. Its amazing how chill we are in this community with the enlisted than in the SWO community.... amazingly awesome.

Haha, on a side note, I sent my family these pictures, along with beach pictures of me in a bikini... and my dad finally spotted my navel ring. The reply was: IS THAT A RING IN YOUR NAVEL?! followed by I guess its ok but don't get carried away...

Yeah, I should have told them waaaaaay back in January...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Stash and life

Well, folks... I have survived Day 1 at my new stash job. I'm working at the API Gym working the watch... which is really me just checking wetbulb temperatures so that people know the outdoor/indoor conditions for physical training. In between I can work out, read, do sudoku, play volleyball, and chill. It was quite riveting, the first day... I changed the flags like 4 times between blue and green--the weather would just not make up its mind that day. Soon I am going to get my quals done and recertified for CPR and First Aid.. that way I can move to the pool and become a Swim Safety Observer (aka buoy chucker).

Currently working on my collages for my wall decor. I still have a shotglass chest that needs to get hung when I have the time and the tools.. the apartment still doesn't have the right organization tools to keep all of Laura's mags and what not, so we need to work on that little detail.

I've also been running a heckuvalot lately, and just doing the 5K run at Mcguires every week is such a good part of my life right now... its almost getting better...

Monday, October 02, 2006

One month in Pensacola: The Summary

Inprocessing: 4 hours of indoc
Very nice intro weekend with the Johnsons
Met an old friend from Naples in A-pool with me, only guy I talked to for a while
Ran into neighbors.. introduced me to other people
Got a trainer, Bob, works me out twice a week
Running the McGuires 5K every Tuesday
Found my church
Finally found more friends, mostly USNA grads...
Beach volleyball every day
Drinking, chillin, hangin out and doin the damn thing almost every day

Back in the game, baby... and its still hard to believe I get paid for this?! I really should start studying...

Monday, September 25, 2006

I'll Stick to Dance Battles, Thank You

Grinding and freak dancing are slang terms for a relatively raunchy dancing set of moves popular in the house and hip-hop dance styles. Grinding is fairly self-explanatory: two or more dancers rub their bodies against each other in a sexual or sexually suggestive manner. It is often performed at nightclubs and parties that play house and hip-hop music. It has also gained popularity at high school and middle school dances across the United States, where there have been isolated cases of administrators attempting to ban it. The meaning is basically the same as the self-describing term for party dancing. Elements of "grinding" may be seen in a 1987 movie Dirty Dancing, and "grinding" is sometimes referred to by this term as well.

Grinding has also been referred to as "houseing" or "juking". The perreo, a Puerto Rican dance associated with reggaeton, is a type of grinding; The word 'perreo' is derived from the Spanish word "Perro" for "Dog" (as in "doggy-style"). There was also a Puerto Rican music genre associated called perreo, which served as the precursor to reggaeton.

Commonly and particularly at middle school parties, girls are often not comfortable with grinding with boys yet, and prefer to grind with other girls, often in 'grinding chains.' This is not suggesting that they are lesbians, as some may even have boyfriends, but are simply not comfortable with grinding with their boyfriend. In Puerto Rico, the youth scene seems to have a completely different attitude towards this matter as common youth "perreo" parties become part of regular nightlife at a very early age.

The most common dance techniques involved in grinding are, but not limited to:

The partners face the same direction so that one partner's (typically the girl's) buttocks are rubbing the other partner's (the boy's) groin. This is the most common technique in the reggaeton scene, otherwise known as perreo. In some parts of the Northeastern United States it is commonly called culiando, which basically translates to grinding. A variation of this technique has the girl supporting her weight with one or two hands on the floor (buttocks in the air) while the boy, holding her by the waist, grinds to the rhythm on the buttocks in a manner that simulates the doggy style sexual position.
The partners, facing each other, straddle each other’s thighs. This may or may not facilitate the rubbing of genitals through their clothing. Pressing up against each other's bodies in order to feel the female's breasts against the male's chest is also common. A less suggestive variation of this is used when dancing the Colmbian-based rhythm champeta.
In grinding, the female may lead the dance with her hips while the male follows, or the male may guide the female's hips from behind with his hands.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Change

So I was looking at old pictures and decided that I am going to dye the hair back. I wonder if that's easier now that it's been stripped...?

I miss the lightness!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Hokies kick ass once again

We do it again, VT 35 - UNC 10 ..... and we let them score the last quarter because our 4th string couldn't hold it

Good weekend this week... Saw some VTCC alumni and we all hung out at Okaloosa beach to watch the game, which is going to be a weekly occurence as long as there is Hokie Football to watch!

Then I visited 2 shelters and saw my share of dogs and cats that day... good thing Alexis and Michael finally agreed on a black lab/german shepherd mix... very very cute dog and I can see that he will get along with everybody.

Clubbed both nights and met a lot of new people (finally) this weekend... I would say very productive outside the apartment.. need to do more cleaning and get this MacBook repaired.... gotta stick with list here and quit the impulse buying, but really... do you think I'm going to get broke? I don't have any dependents and am really a frugal girl... or, at least I used to be.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Pictures of the Start

At McGuires... The Johnson Family, Drew, and I

Drew and Laura are so cute together!

Lookin kind of bare huh?

Navy vs. Air Force
Me and Laura after McGuires

She's got me running more and more in these 5K runs and I havent even been here for a week yet... I'm afraid I might start like running....
Yeah, so we're working on beautifying this already beautiful place...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

it's just not the same without DT

Day 1 at my permanent duty station of Pensacola... and I have never filled out my name and address as much as I have this morning. About 200 of us reported in this morning, which makes the wait for API even longer than it already was (it will probably be 4-6 months for the NFOs and then we're sticking around while the pilots head out after they class up)

Navs are definitely getting stash jobs which is pretty much what I did at the NROTC unit... here we'll be assigned at random places such as the Flight Management office, the clinic, or in the case of my AF roommate... at the gym making sure people clean up their mess and issuing towels out. Yessss... this is what I wanted the Navy to pay me for.

Oh, on another note, I was REALLY fortunate to find an apartment before I even arrived which saved me money that would have been used at the BOQ. I am going to thank Carly who knew a Julia who knew a Laura who needed a roommate of which I came into the equation and we both are already jumpy and excited just doing stuff... I was pretty lucky because Laura is a cool chick, she and I get along very well which is good for me considering I've never really lived with an actual girly girl. It would be a lot more cooler though if we classed up at the same time. But thank goodness I decided not to room alone. I wouldn't have known where the airport was to drop Papa off, and where the Target was to buy the thousand dollars worth of stuff...

Lastly, I am truly missing the accessibility which is B-burg DT. I need to go back to PK's and HoHo's and TOTS and Sharkey's and all that good stuff which is downtown clubbing.... someone send me a ticket to go back for one weekend!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

US Open begins

Crazy game. That match was so intense.... 2-time US Open champion Andre Agassi at his last Grand Slam ever, and he was neck and neck with an opponent who's name was also Andre...

I mean, of course you'd root for the guy who's been so awesome in the 20+ years in tennis history... or do you show some love who has also proven that he can in fact beat Andre the Great? How rude was it that the audience was rooting only for Agassi, even when almost every match was a tiebreaker??

I'm tellin ya.... the entirety of the 23,000 fans in the stands was loud as hell... I dunno if I was actually down there playing the game I'd be nervous and feel so much pressure because as the last series, you'd want to leave on a good note, right? You wouldn't want to get kicked out of the tournament only after the first round...

They wouldn't shut up. Someone even had the nerve to yell out 'There's only ONE Andre!"
Felt like they didn't even give the other guy a chance. He could have very well been the one to say "I was the one to beat Agassi at his last showing of the US Open" and then, his career would have just skyrocketed from there, then he'd win more money, then he'd get endorsements and then onto commercials...

Well, anyways, congratulations to Andre [Agassi]... I'm sure Steffi Graf is damn proud of her husband for making it through that non-traditional match. I want to see more of their kids though.... that cute boy of theirs needs to play more tennis on TV vs. Taylor Dent.

Sigh... I miss Blacksburg already.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Picture post

Just some of the activities I did when Ysmaelle came over for the week...

Now I just have 3 more days left! PENSACOLA OR BUST!

Friday, August 18, 2006

One week update:

Talladega Nights: terrible movie. Lorie and I wanted to walk out of it and I can't believe it won me over with those previews. It was such a let down! And I was all ready for that type of humor too.. or was I maybe I was just too bored and tired today to really give it justice.

The corps is back in town, the parking lots are flooded, the kids are running around drunk hitchhiking for Hooptie Rides. Well, that means one thing: the clubs aren't going to be half empty anymore. Great great great...

I don't think I like boys as boyfriends.
I like boys as boytoys. And I've just been too ashamed to admit that, but hey, what the hell. It's out. So sue me. Kiss my ass! Haha.

I feel like watching something... maybe I'll check out the Kiss Me, Kate musical on Sunday..? Who's with me?

Thursday, August 03, 2006

23 days

I was lucky enough to steal my boo away for Wednesday night Salsa Massive at the club formerly known as Burruss Square Tavern... now Oge-Chi's

He's leaving me next weekend! For TBS! Who's gonna be there to talk to? To chill with? To mess up my hair and do all the other things he does?


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

You can do it. All you have to do is push yourself.

I really didn't think I had that much endurance in the water.

So after Jon Marta put me to the test and told me to just worry about staying afloat and not doing the crawl stroke, I was ecstatic. Then after asking how many laps I should do, he said to do a quarter of a mile.

That already sounded dreadful. I'm supposed to be able to do a mile in a flight suit.

Then I calculated it: 1/4 mile = 9 laps = 18 lengths.

As far as being blind during the swim, losing my hairtie in the middle of it, and having a funky neck pain... I actually thought I could have done one more lap after the 9th one. It was a fabulous feeling afterwards.

And thanks to the morning banana, my foot didn't spaz. Huzzah!

Night #2 at the Cap'n's... where I watched JP for the first time and we ate pizza and I think attempted to play every single card game in the book. Sigh... gotta start bringing board games I think.

Duty ensign in the morning! Later, kids.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

All hail 7-Eleven today.

Free slurpees! Ok.. well time for an update. I guess I should start with the phone pictures I took at the Salem fair before I went home for the Fourth:

Spent a lovely Saturday evening with Georgiana (her last one in the burg) and her twin, Amanda, and the Boo. Filled with competition, sore throwing arms, dizziness, and eventually empty pockets, it was a great time.

I then drove north to keep the pops company while the ma and lil one went back home for the medical mission. When I get the pictures of them, I'll be sure to post those up so we can see what a great job they all did up there... they made a big difference to the orphans and poor indigenous Iriguenos... I digress. Never had a greater time being lazier with anyone else like I did with dad... it was sweet. And then to top it off with golf and the fireworks at Lunga Park, MCB Quantico... beautiful sight on the lake. I took some with my camera (not the lake, unfortunately)

So... as far as IFS training is going, I finished did my cross-country flight to Chesterfield, VA in a set time of 2 hours, and aced my final. Tomorrow I do my final flight, the night flight, in which I have to navigate in tougher territory sans GPS... in darkness. And if I'm lucky (OH if I'm lucky..) then mother nature grants me those scattered showers like the weather guy is telling us. Oh happy day. Then more ground schooling to get me on the simulator as long as I can drag it out so I don't have to start cleaning the uniform again. Haha.. no I'm not reeeeeallly like that...

8 more weeks of Blacksburg, and then its bye bye Home of the Fighting Gobblers.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Lemon Meringue

This is to die for.

My body has never smelled so good after a shower...

...Trust me, you'd want to eat me all up after you took a whiff of this.

M'm m'm good.

Hope these storm clouds go away... so I can flippin tan.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

You are a Great American

I always knew that Col Payne would go out and leave us... and still manage to hit the news somehow:

Taken from MisterPolitics:

The WSJ has a great article today on U.S. Army in-fighting in Iraq...

Camp Taji, Iraq
This sprawling military base is divided down the middle by massive concrete barriers, a snaking fence and rifle-toting guards. On one side, about 10,000 U.S. Army soldiers live in air-conditioned trailers. There's a movie theater, a swimming pool, a Taco Bell, and a post exchange the size of a Wal-Mart, stocked with everything from deodorant to DVD players.

On the other side are a similar number of Iraqi soldiers whose success will determine when U.S. troops can go home. The Iraqi troops live in fetid barracks built by the British in the 1920s, ration the fuel they use to run their lights and sometimes eat spoiled food that makes them sick.

The only soldiers who pass regularly between the two worlds are about 130 U.S. Army advisers, who live, train and work with the Iraqis.

For many of these advisers, the past six months have been a disorienting experience, putting them at odds with their fellow U.S. soldiers and eroding their confidence in the U.S. government's ability to build an Iraqi force that can stabilize this increasingly violent country.

Army commanders back in the U.S. "told us this was going to be the most thankless and frustrating job we have ever held, and boy, were they right," says Lt. Col. Charles Payne, who until last month oversaw about 50 Army advisers.

He and fellow advisers say U.S. troops on the American side of the base saddle Iraqis with the least-desirable missions and often fail to provide them with the basics they need to protect themselves against insurgent attacks. "They treat the Iraqis with utter scorn and contempt," Col. Payne says. "The Iraqis may not be sophisticated, but they aren't stupid. They see it."

Col. James Pasquarette, who commands most of the soldiers on the U.S. side of Camp Taji, calls those claims "totally ridiculous." He says he's proud of what the Iraqi units have achieved in the region and has made supporting them his top priority, after ensuring his own troops have the protection they need. But he worries that if the Iraqis are given too much latitude to execute challenging missions too quickly, they will alienate Iraqi civilians with heavy-handed tactics.

He says Col. Payne and his fellow advisers have "gone native."

...In late May, Col. Payne began to push the Iraqi soldiers to get out on the offensive. "I am sick of sitting around and waiting to get attacked," Col. Payne told Col. Saad. He asked Col. Saad to cut loose 10 or 15 soldiers that he could pair up with three or four U.S. soldiers to venture out at night in search of the enemy. Col. Saad agreed.

On May 19, soldiers from Col. Payne's and Col. Saad's units set out on their second night patrol. After they stopped a car that was out in violation of curfew, the enemy opened fire on them from a surrounding palm grove. The soldiers fired back, killing three insurgents and dispersing the rest. When the shooting ended, a man stumbled out of a small shack deep in the palm grove. His hands were tied and a blindfold hung around his neck. "Come mister. I am problem," he sobbed in broken English.

The man said he worked as a legal adviser for Iraq's Ministry of Defense and had been kidnapped by men who told him they would slaughter him "like a sheep." The kidnappers were setting up a camera to film his execution, he said, when they heard the soldiers and left him. "God sent you to save me," the man said, as tears streamed down his face. (Read more about the mission.)

Col. Payne was elated. "The Iraqi army saved a life. It also demonstrated that it will go into the field to find and destroy the enemy," he said.

His victory, however, quickly gave way to crushing defeat. The next day, he was summoned to meet with his immediate supervisor. Col. Payne was relieved of his command and told to move to a headquarters position in Baghdad.

He says he was told that he removed because he was "ineffective" and "lacked the skills necessary to lead [his] team in this challenging environment." An Army spokesman in Baghdad said Col. Payne wasn't relieved for any single incident. He declined to comment further.
"A Camp Divided"

More at this story:

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers

The Piper Arrow Warrior II.

My very first flight was done in this low wing airplane... while my counterparts were in much cooler C-172...

I've made jokes before, about using booster seats, but seriously... I need one for looking out this one--if you can't even see the cowling then you know the pillow you're sitting on just isn't going to cut it.

Hahahaha.... you should definitely try flying thousands of feet in the air after eating chili cheese dogs. Yep. Did that today.

On another note, should I pay for a masseuse or scout around for anyone who'd give me one for.... free??

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I guess I should update...

Life as an Ensign
as shown by Matt Christensen

Paint. Does a body good.

My new toy. Its a walkman phone/radio/game controller/camera - its my Sony Ericsson w600i. Its the next best thing to a real live person/companion!

Good times... I miss Joey Lee. C'MOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!!